Tilting Headboard Information
The tilting headboard comes with all complete Majestic Library Bed and Boaz Bed systems and works to cover the gap between the head of the frame/mattress and the headboard of the bed cabinet (or wall if you did not order or DIY build a bed cabinet), when the bed is all the way down.
If you are only ordering a Next Bed "Slat" Frame or Murphy Door Bed Frame and you would like to DIY build a tilting headboard, then please select the correct DIY instructions below for your DIY build.
MBD_Tilting_Headboard - OneDrive (live.com)
Next Bed Tilting Headboard - OneDrive (live.com)
Library Bed Tilting Headboard Instructions.pdf
Queen 18 MURPHY DOOR BED Boaz instructions indesign for email.pdf